Weight loss

Losing weight can be a difficult process – with weight loss pills and some commercial weight reducing programmes focusing upon restricting what you eat, rather than considering how you eat, or what you think about the food you are putting into your body.

We are constantly bombarded with TV programmes, advertising and social media feeds full of pictures of food, and the presence of these can make the temptation to veer away from healthy or intuitive eating very strong. We may have developed certain negative mindsets around what we put in our bodies too. Hypnosis for weight loss can be an effective method in challenging these mindsets and moments of temptation, and living a healthier life.

The aim of hypnotherapy for weight loss is to make you feel confident about your body, change negative thoughts about eating and help you lose weight responsibly without impacting your emotional well-being. By targeting the unconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques, the hypnotherapist can help you develop a positive relationship with food and exercise which is key to healthy weight loss and long-term weight management.

I am a licensed Hypnoband practitioner. 

What is the Hypno-Band system?

The Hypno-Band system is a hypnotherapy system designed to enable weight loss in the clinically obese specifically those with a high Body Mass Index (BMI).

Who is it designed for?

They Hypno-Band system is designed for those clients who fall into the “Obese” range, which is clients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. The system has been successfully used with clients who have a lower BMI i.e.  >25 and this is at the discretion of the practitioner. The Hypno-Band can be used with clients of ages 18 years upwards. It is not recommended to use the system below 18 years old as children tend to have a different set of emotional issues relating to food and over-eating.

How does it work?

The Hypno-Band is a combination of suggestion, visualisation and cognitive behavioural therapy techniques which combined help the client to make behavioural changes that make sustained weight loss possible. By using the “Virtual Gastric Band” we convince the client that they have undergone gastric band surgery thereby enabling them to eat smaller portions and have their hunger satisfied earlier. The “gastric band” part of the process is a mechanism that helps the client believe that their stomach is smaller with less capacity for food.


Your possible weight loss blocks

Lots of people try and fail to lose weight for a number of reasons. These reasons are often unconscious, making it hard for us to overcome them. Hypnotherapy for weight loss aims to expose these reasons, allowing clients to finally break through barriers that may have been preventing them from losing weight for many years.

Common reasons you might find it hard to successfully lose weight include:


You comfort eat

When we are babies we learn to associate feeding with the comfort of our mothers. Some experts believe this association never really leaves us. As we grow older and we take on more responsibilities, life can get more stressful and food can offer a reversion back to those early days of complete dependency. If you’ve ever found yourself reaching for a chocolate bar after a busy day, or ordering a takeaway when you feel lonely and sad, then you might be a comfort eater.

As a comfort eater you will find it more difficult to lose weight because you’ve let food become your coping mechanism and without it, you might not know how to deal with your emotions. Hypnotherapy can help to address this, helping you learn how to process negative emotions in a way that doesn’t lead to comfort eating.

You eat mindlessly

In order to lose weight, you have to be completely honest about how much you eat and exercise. Even when you keep a food diary or use a food-tracking app, it’s easy to forget about the odd snack here and there. Perhaps you pick at ingredients while you make dinner? Do you grab something on your commute to work, or tuck into a biscuit with your afternoon tea?

It’s often these ‘on the go’ foods that catch us out but they really do add up. Even if you religiously stick to salad for dinner, conveniently ignoring all the things you eat in-between won’t be doing you any favours. This type of mindless eating is something hypnotherapy for weight loss can help you to overcome.

You ban food

Like a mysterious box you’re told not to open, eliminating certain foods from your diet can make them all the more appealing. If you find yourself having a daily face-off with the office biscuit jar, you’re more likely to want to binge by the end of the week. The key to sustainable and healthy weight loss is to learn mindful eating. If you can eat mindfully, savouring every bite, then you’ll be able to enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and avoid putting on weight.

Significantly, a key part of hypnosis for weight loss is helping clients to eat consciously – putting emotional factors aside and develop a stable relationship with food that promotes a healthy weight, long-term.

You don’t exercise enough

Exercise is just as important as diet when it comes to losing weight. Sometimes mental blocks can stop us wanting to exercise, including:

  • Feeling a lack of energy
  • Feeling too self-conscious to exercise in public
  • Convincing yourself you’ll ‘go tomorrow’ (every day).

Weight loss hypnotherapy can help you break down those mental blocks that are stopping you from making the most of your body. More often than not, getting your body moving and your heart pumping will make you feel better about yourself in general, leading to healthier behaviours and happiness in the long-term.

Will hypnotherapy for weight loss work for me?

One of the most commonly asked questions in hypnotherapy consultations is – will hypnotherapy for weight loss work for me? The answer to that is it’s hard to know until you try it yourself. While it certainly won’t work in the same way for everyone, the process of talking about developing good habits, and getting rid of bad habits, should help plant a new level of awareness when it comes to food and exercise.

An important thing to remember is that hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy, and therefore should be used alongside a healthy eating plan and exercise regime. If you want advice about eating better and exercising, you may find it useful to speak to your doctor or a nutrition professional. It is often a combined effort of all these things that leads to success.